Daily Activities: Yoga

It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of yin yoga. I was introduced to it a few years ago but actually didn’t start regular practice until last spring. It has huge health and mental health benefits and has been used to treat symptoms of chronic pain, depression and anxiety. But don’t take my word (or the research I’ve done) for it (because you should always do your own research and consult your own healthcare professionals!) – try it out for yourself! I utilize YouTube for classes and my favourites are by SarahBeth Yoga because she has a variety of classes in different lengths and that target different parts of the body.

For more on the benefits of yin yoga and stretching, check out my podcast episode with Dr. Alex Triendl, “How Stress and Anxiety Manifest in the Body,” and my episode with Danielle Potvin, “Massage Therapy for Chronic Pain.”
