Cooking with Kels: Cabbage Rolls

Okay, so this is my Baba’s amazing cabbage rolls recipe that has been verbally handed down over a few generations. This are traditional Ukrainian, vegetarian (rice, cabbage, onion, tomato soup) very small cabbage rolls that are full of flavour! I know a bunch of people who couldn’t go back to eating fat meat-filled cabbage rolls after trying these. If you want the full recipe, feel free to email me ( or DM me on Instagram (@janeversuspain).

Overall, this is a fairly healthy recipe, and nutrition is, of course, and essential of health. For more on that topic, check out my podcast episode on it. The link for Apple is below, but the podcast is available on Spotify and everywhere else you get podcasts as well. If you don’t mind submitting a review on Apple, I would also really appreciate it!